Introduction: Low Sugar Apricot Jam

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This small batch low sugar apricot jam is made from scratch and is pectin free. Use it as apricot glaze on cakes or simply spread on toast. Homemade apricot preserves recipe. Here is how how to make low sugar apricot jam.

Read more on my blog - Small Batch Low Sugar Apricot Jam

Step 1: Ingredients:

2 lb Apricots (1kg)

1 cup Granulated Sugar (200g)

¼ cup Lemon Juice (freshly squeezed, 60ml)

½ cup Water (125ml)

Step 2: Directions:

1. Wash, half and pit the apricots. Throw them in a pot with wide bottom. Add water and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring almost constantly.

2. After 10 minutes the apricots will turn into a mash. This is the time to add sugar and lemon juice. Stir and simmer on low heat for 40 minutes or until it thickens and the apricots are completely mushy. This way there is no need to run the mixture through a sieve at all.

3. To see if the jam has thickened pour some of it onto a small plate that has been previously in the freezer. Let it cool down a bit. Now make a line through the jam with your finger. If the jam fills the space (the drawn line) it’s not quite thick yet so continue simmering. If it doesn’t, you can start filling your jars.

4. Pour or spoon the jam into jars leaving about 0.4 inch (1cm) free from the top. Seal with lids, turn up-side down and let them cool completely.

5. To check if the lids are properly sealed simply tap/push down each lid. If it doesn’t pop up or down, it’s sealed. If the lid does pop up or down it’s not air-tight. Place those in the fridge and eat within a week. The rest of them should last for several months.

Step 3: Follow, Comment and Suggest


Canning and Pickling Challenge 2017

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Canning and Pickling Challenge 2017