Introduction: Operating the Matsuura

About: Autodesk Technology Center San Francisco is a hub for research, development, and demonstration of new manufacturing technologies and workflows relating to configurable microfactories.

Use this lesson as a reference for order of operations when machining with the Matsuura.

Step 1: Preparation

  1. Cut and measure stock first.
  2. Ensure stock, part, and workholding are accurate in your CAM software.
  3. Check that Work Home is on the top center of the receiver plate.
  4. Make sure there are no errors in CAMplete.
    • Ask shop staff for help if needed.

Step 2: Using the Mill

  1. Verify file.
  2. Start up the mill.
  3. Install work in vise.
  4. Check Work Coordinate System.
  5. Set the Tool Length Offsets.
  6. Load the program.
  7. Run the program.

Step 3: Clean Up

  1. Run the Goodnight Program.
  2. Clear chips from inside machine.
  3. Clear chips from bins behind machine.
  4. Close the doors.
  5. Turn off the mill.
  6. Clean tables and the floor.
  7. Put away all tools.

Step 4: Print Out This Guide

This course is available as a PDF that is attached to this step. Happy cutting!