Introduction: Rebuilding Vintage Porter-Cable Router

About: I am a teacher who enjoys environmentally responsible woodworking. Most evenings will find me in the shop working with my now 8 year old son Shay who is both my greatest helper and biggest fan.

Old machines like this might not have all the latest bells and whistles but don't think that means they are not as good. Older aluminium body routers tend to turn a little slower, operate smoother and have far less noise. They were built during a time when over engineering was seen as a good thing and stand up well to the rigors of shop use. This old Porter Cable was my grandfather's. Bringing it back was as much about him as it was about the tool.

See this router in action cutting circles in this instructable:

Things to remember: Bearings do not have to be perfect to be functional. Shielded bearings can be relubricated. Bearings are CHEAP so sometimes it is just better to replace them.

Trash to Treasure Contest 2017

Participated in the
Trash to Treasure Contest 2017