Introduction: Spinach Mashed Potato Latkes

About: An engineer, seamstress, cook, coder, and overall maker. Spent a summer at Instructables; got a degree in E: Neural Engineering at Olin College; made a microcontroller (; now thinking about climate c…

Inspired by these mashed potato spinach patties, I decided to do my own take on the dish. They're delicious, and can be made vegan if you don't use eggs/use a butter substitute.

2 lbs red potatoes
1/2 c each: green onion, spinach, grated onion, parsley
olive oil
1 T yogurt
1 T butter
2 eggs

Save out a potato or two and cube the rest.

Steam cubed potatoes until soft.

Meanwhile, grate remaining potatoes and onion. Chop greens.

In a bowl, add yogurt and butter to cooked potatoes. Mash; salt and pepper to taste.

Add greens/grated potato and onion to mashed potatoes. If using eggs, add those. (The eggs really aren't necessary; I just wanted the protein.)

Heat oil in a saucepan. Make balls of potato mixture and flatten in pan.

Fry, flip, eat!

Delicious topped with lebany (kefir cheese- though sour cream or yogurt or applesauce would also be good) and fresh parsley.

Snack Food Contest

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Snack Food Contest

Hurricane Lasers Contest

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Hurricane Lasers Contest