Introduction: Tangram

Tangram is a squared puzzle consisting of seven flat polygons. It can help children learn geometric shapes, develop problem solving abilities and enhance creativity. Now, let's make a tangram, solve as many puzzles as you can and share them with others! Have fun!

Also, why not making a 3-dimentioanal tangram? It can help children learn 3-dimentional shapes and develop sense of space and orientation. Enjoy!

Remark: Brief information about tangram is in step 4.


  • 1 piece of squared construction paper / origami paper
  • a carton
  • corrugated cardboard
  • a pair of scissors
  • 1 glue stick / white glue
  • a pencil and a ruler

Step 1:

Follow step A to D, fold in the dotted lines and make creases.

Step 2:

Referring to the picture, use a pencil and a ruler to draw seven different shapes on the paper.

Step 3:

Stick the paper to the carton with glue stick / white glue. When it is dried, cut out the shapes along the line.

Step 4: About Tangram

Each tangram puzzle contains seven shapes, they are:

  • 2 large right triangles
  • 1 medium right triangle
  • 2 small right triangles
  • 1 square
  • 1 parallelogram

In this activity, it is recommended to guide children to discover the relationship between the side and area of each shape.

Step 5: Examples

Here are some examples. Solve them and create your own tangram puzzles. Have fun!

Step 6: Making a 3-Dimensional Tangram

Repeat the above steps 1 and 2, stick the paper to the cardboard with glue. When it is dried, cut out the shapes along the line.

Step 7:

Use a pencil to draw the shapes on the cardboard and cut them out. Repeat this step and make more 4 sets of tangram. Then, stick the shapes together with glue as shown in the picture to make the shapes thicker.

Step 8:

Here are some examples. Create your own 3D tangram puzzles. Have fun!

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