Introduction: Ultraviolet Light Spheres (and More)

About: Analog maker dabbling in digital manufacture. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases made via links on these pages.

Some UV LED flashlights, some bodging with a cordless drill + a plywood offcut + copper wire, and a compact camera with a "starry night" setting (long exposure, e.g. 15-60 seconds) allow you to create awesome light paintings very easily. It's essentially the ultraviolet, power tool version of the E bola. Stand still to create a circle. Slowly rotate to create a sphere. Walk around to create a wormhole-like tunnel. Walk away from the camera to create a hyperspace effect. It works just as well with other color flashlights too, of course - it's good fun, and you'll baffle people if you make one of these pictures...
See the second-to-last photo to find out how I put the spinning light source together. The spheres here are about seven feet across, and hover about six inches above the ground.

Colors of the Rainbow Contest

Participated in the
Colors of the Rainbow Contest