

Inbox View Profile
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I'm a writer, maker, and educator who's on a mission to better the world through hands-on engineering projects. Check out my work:


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
1M+ Views Earned a silver medal
Remote Control Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Remote Control Contest
Toys and Games Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Toys and Games Contest
Make it Move Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Make it Move Challenge
DIY Summer Camp Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the DIY Summer Camp Contest
Robots Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Robots Contest
Classroom Science Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Classroom Science Contest
Tape Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Tape Contest
PVC Contest 2017
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the PVC Contest 2017
Make It Fly Contest 2016
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Make It Fly Contest 2016
String Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the String Challenge
Make it Move Contest 2016
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Make it Move Contest 2016
Remote Control Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Remote Control Challenge
Education Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Education Contest
The Teacher Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the The Teacher Contest
Toy Challenge 2
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Toy Challenge 2

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