Introduction: Air Fryer Green Beans

About: Hello and Welcome to In the Kitchen With Matt. I am your host Matt Taylor. My goal for the show is to teach you how to cook really good food at home for cheap. Eating out everyday can get expensive, but it doe…

In this Instructable, I will show you how to cook green beans in an air fryer. This air fryer green beans recipe is super easy to make and it is a great side dish with steak, chicken, or any meal where you want to eat green beans. If you love using the air fryer, give this recipe a try! If I can do it, you can do it. Let's get started!

Don't forget to follow me and check out my other Instructables :)

Follow the super easy steps below or watch the short video tutorial or do both!

Step 1: Ingredients and Tools


  • 1 handful of fresh green beans
  • 1 to 2 pinches of salt
  • 1 to 2 pinches of pepper
  • 1 to 2 pinches of garlic powder
  • 1 tbsp or so of parmesan cheese
  • Cooking spray or oil (avocado, olive, etc.)


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Step 2: Prep and Season Green Beans

Begin by rinsing and drying the fresh green beans. Then cut off the woody stems. While this step is optional, I always do it, they just aren't that appetizing.

You may also trim off the other pointy end if you like, but I don't do that, I don't mind it.

Place the green beans in a container and then spray it with a bit of cooking spray (avocado oil, olive oil, etc.).

Then add a few pinches of salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Use clean hands or tongs and turn them until evenly coated with the seasonings.

NOTE: Each seasoning is optional and you can add something else like paprika, chili powder, etc. if you like.

Step 3: Cook Those Green Beans

Place those seasoned green beans in your air fryer basket. Arrange them so they are fairly flat. Then put the basket inside the air fryer and set the temp to 400F/205C.

Turn it on for 5 minutes.

Once the time is up pull the basket out and then sprinkle on the parmesan cheese (optional). Replace the basket and cook for another 3 to 4 minutes.

Remove the basket and use tongs to retrieve the green beans and place them on a plate. Serve warm.


*Print the recipe here if you like.

Step 4: Video Tutorial

Now watch those steps in action with this video tutorial. :)

Anything Goes Contest 2021

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Anything Goes Contest 2021