Introduction: Arduino - Multi Servo Motor Control Via Bluetooth Using the Android App

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In this tutorial, we will learn how to use multi-servo with an Android application. We will control 4 pcs servo motor with a Smartphone.

You can implement your robotic arm projects with reference to this tutorial. Of course we will use external battery / power when doing this.

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Step 1: Hardware Required

- Arduino Board

- HC-06 / 05 Bluetooth Module

- Servo Motor x4

- Wires and Breadboard

- Battery

- Android Device

Step 2: Connections

- The external battery VCC / GND connect to the breadboard

- The Arduino GND connect to the breadboard's GND input

- The servo connections we use in this project are as follows;

* Orange Input - Signal Input

* Red Input - Power Input (VCC)

* Brown Input - Ground Input(GND)

- The Servo1 VCC and GND connect to the breadboard's VCC / GND inputs

- The Servo1 Signal connect to the Arduino Digital PWM 3

- The Servo2 VCC and GND connect to the breadboard's VCC / GND inputs

- The Servo2 Signal connect to the Arduino Digital PWM 5

- The Servo3 VCC and GND connect to the breadboard's VCC / GND inputs

- The Servo3 Signal connect to the Arduino Digital PWM 6

- The Servo4 VCC and GND connect to the breadboard's VCC / GND inputs

- The Servo4 Signal connect to the Arduino Digital PWM 9

- The Bluetooth module attach to the Breadboard

- The Bluetooth VCC connect to the Arduino 3.3V

- The Bluetooth GND connect to the Arduino GND

- The Bluetooth TX connect to the Arduino Digital Pin 10

- The Bluetooth RX connect to the Arduino Digital Pin 11

Step 3: Code and Application

- Get the Code and Application

- You must download and install the SoftwareSerial library

- MIT App Inventor site to create an application.


About Bluetooth Connection:

- After establishing a connection, the LED on the Bluetooth module must be active continuously.

- If you get any errors (Device not found, broken pipe, etc.), please check the module connections. If the connections are correct, try connecting to the module a several times. It will be connect.