Introduction: LOVEcraft

About: Nothing special about me. Just voiding warranties. Admin of and

I'm a huge H.P. Lovecraft fan. And Arts. Robert India is one of my post-modern heroes.

So why not mix some of my interests into one piece of plastic?

Let's make an LOVE-Craft-Mashup!

Step 1: How to Build

It's not much work. You take these two templates and put them together in the slicer until it fits optically. The LOVE logo can also be distorted a bit. I put it together in Simplify3D and used a lot of support structure.

Then print the created model with a PLA of your choice. I used black matt as base. But white would certainly not have been a mistake.

Step 2: Painting Part 1

For the painting I used acrylic paints and very fine brushes. The basic colour is a dark, strongly glazed green. Then directly a few fine layers. The black should shine through a bit. A little like moss in a swamp.

The base of the wings is dark red to violet. This creates a leather-like surface with the black. Highlight the top structures with a light green.

Step 3: Painting Part 2

The LOVE-part is based on the original by Robert India. It is advisable to prime with white if you have used a dark PLA.
Then I recommend to work from the inside to the outside. Again work in several thin layers. High gloss would certainly do well.

Step 4: Little Details

Finally you can lighten the eyes with a little mother-of-pearl or weak white. And highlight the top structures again with a light green-yellow.

You can stay forever at the details. Always let it dry a little and then look over it again later. If you like, you can also paint the whole figure in clear lacquer.

Step 5: Final Thoughts

White PLA might have been easier to paint, but then the figure would probably have become too bright.

If I did it again, I would use less support structure.

Thanks for reading.

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