
Roshni Sahoo

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Cooking and more!


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Cold Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Cold Challenge
Pumpkin Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Pumpkin Challenge
Cheese Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Cheese Challenge
Fried Food Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Fried Food Challenge
Eggs Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Eggs Challenge
Frozen Treats Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Frozen Treats Speed Challenge
Pie Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Pie Challenge
Breakfast Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Breakfast Speed Challenge
Anything Goes Contest 2021
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Anything Goes Contest 2021
Cookie Speed Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Cookie Speed Challenge
Home Cooked Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Home Cooked Speed Challenge
On a Stick Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the On a Stick Speed Challenge
Bread Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Bread Speed Challenge
One Pot Meals Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the One Pot Meals Challenge

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